
Lake Turkana - El Molo village The El Molo tribe is a very small tribe (300 people) who live on the shores of Lake Turkana. They live mainly from fishing (tilapia, Nile perch, ...) and sometimes they also hunt hippos and crocodiles. Nowadays they get a monthly supply of fresh drinking water from the government. Before, they used the alkaline water of the lake but that caused all kinds of health problems. They live in a kind of igloo huts which are made of reed. Stefan Cruysberghs

Lake Turkana - El Molo village (Kenya)

The El Molo tribe is a very small tribe (300 people) who live on the shores of Lake Turkana. They live mainly from fishing (tilapia, Nile perch, ...) and sometimes they also hunt hippos and crocodiles. Nowadays they get a monthly supply of fresh drinking water from the government. Before, they used the alkaline water of the lake but that caused all kinds of health problems. They live in a kind of igloo huts which are made of reed.

, Stefan Cruysberghs, Nikon D600 + Nikon 24-70mm f2.8, Request high resolution photo