

Butterflies - Comma The comma (Polygonia c-album) is a common butterfly with wing that are irregularly dentate, excavated and angulated, the inside color is orange and the hindwings have a white spot in the shape of a C. Stefan Cruysberghs
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Butterflies - Comma

The comma (Polygonia c-album) is a common butterfly with wing that are irregularly dentate, excavated and angulated, the inside color is orange and the hindwings have a white spot in the shape of a C.

, Stefan Cruysberghs, Nikon Z6 + NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S, Request high resolution photo Animal, Animal wildlife, Animalia, Animals in the wild, Arthropod, Arthropoda, Belgique, Belgium, België, Brush-footed butterflies, Butterflies, Butterfly, Comma, Dier, Europa, Europe, Fauna, Flanders, Flemish Brabant, Flemish Region, Four-footed butterflies, Garden, Gehakkelde aurelia, Geleedpotige, Hageland, Insect, Insecta, Insecten, Insects, Lage landen, Lepidoptera, Lowlands, Macro photography, Macrofotografie, Montaigu, Montaigu-Zichem, Nature photography, Natuurfotografie, Nymphalidae, Polygonia, Polygonia c-album, Région flamande, Scherpenheuvel, Scherpenheuvel-Zichem, Schoenlappers parelmoervlinders en zandoogjes, Tuin, Vlaams-Brabant, Vlaanderen, Vlinder, Vlinders, West-Europa, Western Europe, Wildlife, stadsz, Vlinders 15, Gehakkelde, aurelia