

Bearded readlings The bearded reedling can only be found in reed fields, they are quite social and are usually seen in groups of up to several dozen birds. The adult male has characteristic black 'moustache'. Stefan Cruysberghs
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Bearded readlings

The bearded reedling can only be found in reed fields, they are quite social and are usually seen in groups of up to several dozen birds. The adult male has characteristic black 'moustache'.

, Stefan Cruysberghs, NIKON Z 8 + NIKKOR Z 180-600mm f/5.6-6.3 VR, Request high resolution photo Animal, Animal wildlife, Animalia, Animals in the wild, Aves, Baardman, Baardmannetje, Bearded parrotbill, Belgique, Belgium, België, Beschermd gebied, Beveren, Bird, Birds, Dier, East Flanders, Europa, Europe, Fauna, Flanders, Flemish Region, Groot Rietveld, Kallo, Nature Reserve, Natuurgebied, Oost-Vlaanderen, Panurus, Panurus biarmicus, Park, Passeriformes, Passerines, Protected area, Reed bed, Rietland, Région flamande, Sylviidae, Vlaanderen, Vogel, Vogels, Wildlife, Zangers, Zangvogels