

Farne Islands - Puffin The most beautiful and cutest bird that breeds on Farne Island is undoubtedly the puffin. It is estimated that more than 35,000 pairs of puffins bread on these islands each year. Stefan Cruysberghs
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Farne Islands - Puffin (Scotland)

The most beautiful and cutest bird that breeds on Farne Island is undoubtedly the puffin. It is estimated that more than 35,000 pairs of puffins bread on these islands each year.

, Stefan Cruysberghs, Nikon Z6 + Sigma 150-600mm f/5.0-6.3, Request high resolution photo Alcidae, Alken, Animal, Animal wildlife, Animalia, Animals in the wild, Archipel, Archipelago, Atlantic puffin, Auk, Aves, Bird, Birds, Charadriiformes, Dier, Engeland, England, Europa, Europe, Farne Islands, Fauna, Fratercula, Fratercula arctica, Great Brittain, Groot Brittanië, North East England, Northumberland, Papegaaiduiker, Papegaaiduikers, Puffin, Steltloperachtigen, UK, United Kingdom, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Vogel, Vogels, Waders and gulls, West-Europa, Western Europe, Wildlife, Farne, Islands