Atari articles
On this page you will find an overview of all articles that I have written myself. The more recent articles deal with software development with .NET (C#, Visual Studio, VSTS, Azure, LINQ, Entity Framework, Web services, WPF, Silverlight, ...) in particular. The older articles were often written for the purposes of courses or demonstrations at my computerclub and these articles are mostly about Delphi, PHP, databases, Javascript, Windows, Office, Multimedia applications, Atari, ...
Use the left panel to filter the more than 115 articles by category. These articles can be used freely for personal use. Placing the full articles on other websites is not allowed without the permission of the author.
History of computerclub Volwassenen, Jeugd en Informatica vzw
A brief history of computer club Volwassenen, Jeugd en Informatica (VJI) in Lommel. Since its foundation in 1990 and until 2005, thousands of people have learned about computers and all their possibilities in this computerclub. Many volunteers have been helpful for years to give lessons and demonstrations about software and hardware, to help people with computer issues or just chat about software, programming, photo editing, games, the internet, ....
Atari emulator Steem
At the end of the eighties the Atari computers with the TOS operating system became very popular. This article describes how to use the emulator Steem to run old Atari ST/TT applications on your Windows PC. Furthermore a lot of screenshots of old popular Atari programs, games and my own developed applications are included.
Atari CAD3D
A introduction course for children to 3D drawing progam CAD3D for Atari ST computers.
Atari desktop TOS & GEM
A introduction course for children to the operating system (TOS) and desktop (GEM) of the Atari ST computers.